Michael S. Mostek was recently selected by his peers as the Best Lawyers© 2016 Environmental Law “Lawyer of the Year” in Omaha, Nebraska. This honor follows his selection and listing in Best Lawyers in America© for Environmental Law every year since 2006.

When asked for comment on this honor, Mostek joked “Was this done with electronic voting? Were there any hanging chad? Maybe there should be a recount!”

In making their announcement Best Lawyers in America© wrote:

“Since it was first published in 1983, Best Lawyers© has become universally regarded as the definitive guide to legal excellence. Best Lawyers lists are compiled based on an exhaustive peer-review evaluation. Over 79,000 leading attorneys globally are eligible to vote, and we have received more than 12 million votes to date on the legal abilities of other lawyers based on their specific practice areas around the world. For the 2016 Edition of The Best Lawyers in America©, 6.7 million votes were analyzed, which resulted in more than 55,000 leading lawyers being included in the new edition. Lawyers are not required or allowed to pay a fee to be listed; therefore inclusion in Best Lawyers is considered a singular honor. Corporate Counsel magazine has called Best Lawyers ‘the most respected referral list of attorneys in practice.’”

“We exist to serve our clients and work hard to get the best results we can. We’ve been doing it for quite a while, so we probably have more experience in more areas of the law than some environmental lawyers. The law is a diverse web of many practice areas, and the ability to see how environmental issues interrelate to the other areas is critical,” Mostek said.

“I don’t think that makes a lawyer better or best at anything, there are a lot of people who can do what we do. But I am honored and gratified to have my peer lawyers honor me this way. Thank you.”

How may we serve you?

Article by: Tami Schmitt
Photo by: Unknown but found on the Daily Dawdle