Mike Mostek

Having practiced for more than 30 years in two very successful Omaha firms, Mike is proud of saying “I’ve practiced with probably 200 of the best lawyers Omaha and Nebraska have to offer.   I sure hope some of it rubbed off!”   In fact, he gained a wealth of experience working in many areas of the law representing businesses, large and small.  That experience benefits each and every client that comes through the door today.

Practicing law brings me deep satisfaction.

Mike considers himself a writer who just happens to be a lawyer. He actively pursues writing as one of his true passions in life.  He earned his law degree from Creighton University, School of Law in 1985,  and at the University of Nebraska at Kearney in 1982, his Bachelor of Arts  for Business Administration, Political Science, Speech Communication.

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Mike Mostek, Attorney

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